Cambridge Entomological Club History
The Cambridge Entomological Club was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on 9 January 1874. It is the third oldest entomological society in North America (after the Entomological Society of Pennsylvania, 1842, and the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, 1859, which was renamed the American Entomological Society in 1861). The club currently has about 20 members whose dues are paid, and meeting announcements are sent to about 180 email addresses.
The Club published Psyche: A Journal of Entomology regularly from the year of its founding until 1995, with one additional issue in 2000. The journal was relaunched by Hindawi Publishing in January 2008.
Constitution and by-laws(1971 version)
History of the Club
Janice R. Matthews. History of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Psyche 81:3-37, 1974.
Images from lantern slides (about 550k bytes)
Officer nomination poems from 1995 and 1996

About the website
The original Entclub website was initiated by Jonathan Rees in spring of 2001. On 13 November 2001, the members voted to have the site “launched”. Here is the memo to members regarding the site. The second version of the website, which you are currently viewing, was launched in early 2011.