Meeting 1145 Minutes

Minutes from the 1145th Meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club

President Patrick Gorring called the 1145th meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club to order at 7:35 pm on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in MCZ 101. Approximately 13 members and guests were in attendance.

New business: Membership dues are due. Patrick explained a new Paypal option for payment.
Old business: Jacqui Kluft was confirmed for membership

Dr. Joshua Rose, former head biologist of the World Birding Center in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, presented a talk entitled “Insects on the Edge of America: exploration and discovery on the southern border of the USA.”

During his three and a half years in southern Texas, Josh met entomologists, naturalists and photographers searching for little-known insects and tropical vagrants wandering across the border from Mexico. The Rio Grande biotic area includes riparian areas, palm and flood forests, as well as drier habitats all of which add up to tremendous diversity.

Josh’s specialty is odonates, and he described several among what he called his “top ten list of arthropods”. Among the organisms on his list were: the loudest cicada in the western hemisphere, Quesada gigas, aka “the Mexican earsplitter” and the bolo spider, Mastophora luecabulba.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 for discussion and refreshments.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Golden, CEC Secretary