Tuesday, April 12th, 2022
Virtual Zoom Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Harnessing natural variation to study the evolution of social behavior
Sarah Kocher
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
Halictid bees exhibit remarkable diversity in social behavior, both within and between species. Within this family, social behavior has twice evolved independently and been lost repeatedly, creating a powerful framework for a comparative approach. This talk will cover my lab’s work on understanding the mechanisms that shape the evolution of social behavior in Halictidae. For more information, visit the Kocher lab website, kocherlab.com.
Due to visitor restrictions on Harvard campus and COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, we are temporarily suspending all physical meetings and formal pre-talk dinners until further notice.
CEC meetings are normally held the second Tuesday of the month from October through May. The evening schedule typically includes an informal dinner (5:45 to 7:15 PM) followed by our formal meeting (7:30 – 9:00 PM). The latter begins with club business and is followed by a 60-minute entomology related presentation. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.