Tuesday, October 11, 2011

7:30 PM

The Natural History Gap

MCZ 101, 26 Oxford Street, Harvard University

Sam Droege, US Geological Survey

Why does the average age of specimens in the ever declining set of remaining insect collections run to pre-WWII?  Why does NASA spend $1.5 billion a year on climate change satellites yet we are unclear as to even the names of over 10% of North American bees and know nothing of even their regional status?  Can natural history collections be mated with inventory and monitoring work and, (OMG!) statistics to create our own insect satellite systems?

The talk is free and open to the public. The meeting is readily accessible via public transportation. Parking is available in the Oxford Street Garage with advance arrangement, as described here, or (usually but not always) at spaces on nearby streets. Everyone is also welcome to join us for dinner before the talk (beginning at 6:15 PM) at the Harvard Law School cafeteria, on the second floor of Harkness Commons.

CEC meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from October through May. The evening schedule typically includes an informal dinner (6:15 to 7:15 PM) followed by our formal meeting (7:30 – 9:00 PM). The latter begins with club business and is followed by a 50 minute entomology related presentation. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

7:15 PM

Katydids of South Africa: An exploration of a nearly unknown fauna

Harvard University Herbarium, 22 Divinity Ave, Harvard University

Piotr Naskrecki, Harvard University

Piotr Naskrecki has traveled the world investigating invertebrate biodiversity, capturing beautiful images of the natural world and studying katydids. Dr. Naskrecki will address the club to discuss his NSF-funded orthopteroid survey work in South Africa. The talk will include a biogeographical and historical overview of the country’s katydid fauna and highlight some of the interesting species radiations that have been uncovered.

This will be a bit of an unusual meeting night. We will begin our meeting a little early in order to nominate and vote for new club officers. Our meeting will be held in the Harvard University Herbarium seminar room (information about the meeting location is found here), which is not far from our normal meeting room in the MCZ. There is no pre-meeting dinner this month. In lieu of dinner CEC members may be interested in attending a lecture by Michael Canfield entitled: The Secrets of Field Notes: Capturing Science, Nature, and Exploration. This talk is hosted by the Harvard Museum of Natural History, is held in the Geological Lecture Hall and begins at 6 PM.

Cambridge Entomological Club talks are free and open to the public. The meeting location is readily accessible via public transportation. Parking is available in the Oxford Street Garage with advance arrangement, as described here, or (usually but not always) at spaces on nearby streets.

CEC meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from October through May. Meetings begin with club business and this is followed by a 50 minute entomology related presentation. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.