Tuesday, January 19th

Virtual Zoom Meeting
07:30 PM EST

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Fossil insects: new insights from the deep past

Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente

Museum Research Fellow, Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Fossil insects are a remarkable source of paleobiological information on the Earth’s last 400 million years. More than a century and half of paleoentomological research has demonstrated the prevalence that insects had already achieved in ancient terrestrial ecosystems. However, the amount of data –with the potential to impact multiple fields of knowledge– still locked in the fossil record is unfathomable. The present talk is aimed at offering a glimpse into some of the research recently carried out on fossil insects. We will tackle topics as disparate as the evolution of egg-hatching structures in lacewings, the role of 280 million-year-old earwig relatives in cutting-edge bioinspired technologies, or how a unique window into arthropod-dinosaur interactions is being opened by Cretaceous ticks and insects associated with feathered theropod remains. Novel techniques and new fossil localities –particularly those providing exceptional preservation, such as amber deposits– keep narrowing the gap between extant and extinct insects in the way they are studied and the quality of the data extracted from them.

Ricardo received a BSc in Biology from the Univ. of Barcelona (2003–07) and a MSc in Palaeontology (2007–08). Later, he obtained a PhD in Earth Sciences from the Univ. of Barcelona (2008–12). From 2013 to 2017, Ricardo was a postdoctoral fellow at the MCZ, where he led the digitisation/identification efforts on the F M Carpenter collection, one of the premier fossil insect collections worldwide, with about 35,000 specimens. Currently, he is a research fellow at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Ricardo has published more than thirty papers on the paleobiology of fossil arthropods, lectured on palaeontology and entomology, and participated in numerous amber excavations. His research is mainly focused on the study of amber inclusions, particularly those from the Cretaceous, one of the most important periods for the diversification of terrestrial arthropods, linked with the radiation of flowering plants.

In compliance with the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, we are temporarily suspending all physical meetings and pre-talk dinner until further notice.

CEC meetings are normally held the second Tuesday of the month from October through May. The evening schedule typically includes an informal dinner (5:45 to 7:15 PM) followed by our formal meeting (7:30 – 9:00 PM). The latter begins with club business and is followed by a 60-minute entomology related presentation. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.

Tuesday, December 8th

Virtual Zoom Meeting
07:30 PM EST

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From cricket songs to swarming locusts: Elucidating patterns and processes of orthopteran evolution

Hojun Song

Associate Professor
Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

Orthoptera is the most diverse order within Polyneoptera with more than 28,000 species known worldwide, and includes familiar insects, such as grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids.  Throughout 350 million years of evolution, orthopteran insects have diversified into numerous lineages that occupy every conceivable terrestrial habitat outside the polar regions and play integral roles in their ecosystems. Such diversity in form and function has attracted researchers who use these insects as model systems for studying anatomy, bioacoustics, chemical ecology, evolutionary ecology, life-history traits, neurobiology, physiology, and speciation. Dr. Song’s research program uses Orthoptera as a model system to understand behavioral, ecological, physiological, morphological and molecular evolution in a phylogenetic framework. In this presentation, Dr. Song will provide two fascinating examples of how orthopteran insects can be used as model systems for elucidating patterns and processes of evolution. In the first example, which examines the patterns of evolution at a macro scale, he asks how various singing orthopterans evolved the ability to sing and hear based on a new phylogenomic analysis and ancestral character reconstruction. In the second example, Dr. Song will zoom into one particular clade of Orthoptera, the grasshopper genus Schistocerca, to investigate the evolution of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity in grasshoppers and locusts. He does so by integrating phylogenetics, transcriptomics, manipulative behavioral experiments, and field research to understand what makes swarming locusts different from regular grasshoppers.

Hojun Song grew up in South Korea, wanting to become an entomologist ever since his childhood. He moved to the U.S. in 1994, and received his bachelor’s degree in entomology from Cornell University in 2000. He moved to the Ohio State University, and received his M.S. (2002) and Ph.D. (2006) in entomology. His dissertation focused on the morphological systematics of a grasshopper subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae, with an emphasis on the evolution of locust phase polyphenism and the evolution of male genitalia. Dr. Song then moved to Brigham Young University for his postdoc to study the evolution of beetle mitochondrial genomes, where he was introduced to molecular phylogenetics and developed his interests in mitochondrial and numt evolution. In 2010, Dr. Song joined the Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida as an assistant professor, and in 2015, he relocated to the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University, where he is currently an associate professor. Dr. Song’s current research program has two broad themes: orthopteran systematics and the evolution of locust phase polyphenism. His research program has been continuously supported by various funding agencies, including NSF, USDA, and CONACYT, and he has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2013, and the Fulbright Future Scholarship from the Australian-American Fulbright Commission in 2019.  

In compliance with the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, we are temporarily suspending all physical meetings and pre-talk dinner until further notice.

CEC meetings are normally held the second Tuesday of the month from October through May. The evening schedule typically includes an informal dinner (5:45 to 7:15 PM) followed by our formal meeting (7:30 – 9:00 PM). The latter begins with club business and is followed by a 60-minute entomology related presentation. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.