Meeting 1167 Minutes
Minutes from the 1167th Meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club
President Jack Boyle called the 1167th meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club to order at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, May 12th in MCZ 101, 26 Oxford St. Approximately 18 members and guests were in attendance.
Old business:
Bruno is looking for photos for the Club’s Facebook page.
Patrick Gorring presented the annual Treasurer’s report.
Mike Huben gave away free insect cabinets before his move to Ecuador.
Scott Smyers announced two field trips: one to Littleton in June, and another to
Mt. Wachusett in August.
New business:
Officers for 2015-2016:
President: Shayla Salzman
Vice-president: Nathaniel Edelman
Secretary: Andrea Golden
Treasurer: Patrick Gorring
Executive Committee:
Bruno de Medeiros
Edward Plekavich
Jay Shetterly
Andrea Golden proposed the Club consider increasing the number of members on the Executive Committee, to be discussed at the September organizational meeting.
John Boyle, Harvard grad student and President of Cambridge Entomological Club, presented his 2015 Presidential Address entitled Ant Plant Mutualisms.
After a general discussion of ant/plant mutualisms, Jack discussed his research into one particular ant-plant, the African whistling-thorn acacia, Vachellia drepanolobium, which can accommodate four different ant species. These ants cheat the tree in different ways: by pruning its flowers, or tending other insects at the expense of the tree. Jack included a discussion of related studies; a population study in the Rift Valley and a study of single ant colonies in single trees. He concluded his talk with a selection of the inquilines he encountered in Africa.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 for discussion and refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Golden, CEC Secretary