Meeting 1162 Minutes
Minutes from the 1162nd Meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club
President Jack Boyle called the 1162nd meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club to order at 7:35 pm on Tuesday, December 9th in MCZ 101, 26 Oxford St. Approximately 15 members and guests were in attendance.
Old business:
Treasurer Patrick Gorring announced that 2014-2015 dues are due and described payment options.
Scott Smyers is organizing a spring trip (probably May) to Long Lake in Littleton.
More information to come.
Our December speakers were Catherine Brown from the Mass. Department of Public Health and Richard Pollack from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Their topic was The changing ecological and epidemiological landscape of mosquito-borne disease in New England: Are things getting worse? What can or should be done?
Catherine and Rich provided an overview of the changing distribution of mosquito-borne viruses (e.g. EEE, WNv) in New England. They described some methods used to monitor and control mosquitoes known to carry pathogens. Studies of the mosquitoes’ life cycles and habitats have led to insights forp controlling mosquitoes at all stages of their development. Control methods include using ground-up corn cobs impregnated with bacteria to kill larva, and targeted spraying to kill mosquitoes in high risk areas. Public education and cost vs. benefits of potential solutions were also discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 for discussion and refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Golden, CEC Secretary