Meeting 1138 Minutes
Minutes from the 1138th Meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club
President Jess Walden-Gray called the 1138th meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club to order at 7:35 pm on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at MCZ 101. Approximately 19 members and guests were in attendance.
New business: Three perspective members, Richard Bosel, Darcy Gordon, and Barbara Stay were nominated.
Maria Lubertazzi showed a selection of art works created by her students for her class, Introduction to Insect Morphology, taught this past semester at RISD.
Old business: 4 people were voted into membership.
Our speaker was Tom Murray, local photographer, amateur entomologist, and author of the forthcoming book, Insects of New England.Technical advances in digital photography and online media have created a worldwide forum for sharing information between amateur and professional entomologists. Through their photography, Tom and other amateurs are documenting range extensions, newly arriving exotics, and interesting behaviors. Tom is well known for his involvement with BugGuide, the entomological online community, where he has contributed almost 27,000 images to date. He shared some of his favorite photos showing insect behavior, unusual insects and winter-active insects.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 for discussion and refreshments
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Golden, CEC Secretary