1999-2000 Meetings

1044th-1048th Meetings

No information on line.

1049th Meeting

14 March 2000

The endemic cave crickets of Madagascar
Manda Jost, Harvard University

Manda's talk will include a 40-minute video of travel, fieldwork, natural history, and traditional culture of this island subcontinent.

[from email announcement to members]

1050th Meeting

Tuesday, April 11

Polygyny in Paradise: The Invasion of Argentine Ants in Hawaii
Krista Ingram
Graduate Student, Harvard University

[from HEN-L]

1051st Meeting

9 May 2000

Developing a long-term inventory of the insects of Haystack Mountain by the Cambridge Entomological Club
Geoff Morse

A presentation and discussion of the potential of establishing an on-going field and assessment activity for and by the Cambridge Entomological Club. Logistics, dates, and goals will be discussed.

[from HEN-L]

meetings   1998-99 N/A   2000-01

Jonathan A Rees

Last modified: Tue Nov 25 23:08:07 EST 2003